Equity Walk-Through

How to do an Equity Walk-Through Video

The following video explains how to walk through your care setting using an equity lens: considering what kinds of stigma and judgments people encounter, what kinds of assumptions are operating, and what power relations are at play. This is a starting point towards implementing equity-oriented health care in your practice, setting, and organization.

English version
La version française

Feedback Survey

We’re always trying to improve the EQUIP resources. Please tell us what you think about the Equity Walk-Through video through the feedback survey below. Thank you for all and any feedback! This information will help us track how our resources are being used, and improve content and design. You can copy the following link into your browser: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2gzuBfY2b3UhJt4

Equity Walk-Through Exercise

EQUIP has developed a set of questions that guide you to see and think from an equity perspective as you physically move through your work environment (whether walking or moving through your unit in other ways, or just thinking about what it’s like). Most of these questions can be applied to various work environments – including walk-in clinics, doctor’s or NP’s offices, community health clinics, social service organizations, acute care settings, and hospital units. If useful, you can complete this exercise before Rating Your Organization, though we suggest you do it after, to assess your changes in perspective.

These questions can be tailored in countless ways, to suit the space and realities of your specific workplace. For example, the Equity Walk-Through Pocket Cards For Emergency provided below has been specifically tailored to the Emergency Department.

To print this tool:

– Ensure that the orientation of the paper is set at “Landscape“.
– Ensure that you “print on both sides” of the paper & that “flip on short edge” is selected.
– For optimum use, print this tool using card stock paper and cut each individual card

Equity Walk-Through Questions

Equity Walk-Through Pocket Cards