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Toward Equitably High Quality Cancer Survivorship Care

Toward Equitably High Quality Cancer Survivorship Care

Truant, T., Varcoe, C., Gotay, C., & Thorne, S. (2019). Toward Equitably High Quality Cancer Survivorship Care. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 29(3), 156-162.

Health disparities in cancer care: Exploring  Canadian, American and international perspectives

Health disparities in cancer care: Exploring Canadian, American and international perspectives

Varcoe, C., Habib, S., Sinding, C., Fitch, M., Magee Gullatte, M., & Cummings, G (2015). Health disparities in cancer care: Exploring Canadian, American and international perspectives. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal/Revue Canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie, 25(1), 73-74. Retrieved from

Equity-Oriented Cancer Care

Equity-Oriented Cancer Care

Watch Dr. Tara Horrill discuss inequities in the cancer care sector, and discuss how cancer care services could be better oriented towards equity.

Barriers to equity in cancer survivorship care: Perspectives of cancer survivors and system stakeholders

Barriers to equity in cancer survivorship care: Perspectives of cancer survivors and system stakeholders

Truant, T., Lambert, S., Thorne, S. (2021). Barriers to equity in cancer survivorship care: Perspectives of cancer survivors and system stakeholders. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 8.

Advancing health equity in cancer care: The lived experiences of poverty and access to lung cancer screening

Advancing health equity in cancer care: The lived experiences of poverty and access to lung cancer screening

Sayani, A., Vahabi, M., O’Brien, M., et al. (2021). Advancing health equity in cancer care: The lived experiences of poverty and access to lung cancer screening. PLOS One, 16(5), e0251264.

Health equity in national cancer control plans: An analysis of the Ontario Cancer Plan

Health equity in national cancer control plans: An analysis of the Ontario Cancer Plan

Sayani, A. (2019). Health equity in national cancer control plans: An analysis of the Ontario Cancer Plan. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 8(9), 550-556.

“Just too busy living in the moment and surviving”: Barriers to accessing health care for structurally vulnerable populations at end-of-life

“Just too busy living in the moment and surviving”: Barriers to accessing health care for structurally vulnerable populations at end-of-life

Stajduhar, K. I., Mollison, A., Giesbrecht, M., et al. (2019). “Just too busy living in the moment and surviving”: Barriers to accessing health care for structurally vulnerable populations at end-of-life. BMC Palliative Care, 18(11).

When Cancer Hits the Streets

When Cancer Hits the Streets

Stajduhar, K. I., Mollison, A., Gleave, D., & Hwang, S. W. (2017). When cancer hits the streets. Current Oncology, 24 (3), 149-150.

Conceptualization of health and healthcare equity within the Canadian cancer care sector: A rapid scoping review protocol

Conceptualization of health and healthcare equity within the Canadian cancer care sector: A rapid scoping review protocol

Lambert, L., Horrill, T. C, Browne, A. J., Stajduhar, K. I., Beck, S., Kaur, J., Bourgeois, A., Cheng, S. (2021). Conceptualization of health and healthcare equity within the Canadian cancer care sector: A rapid scoping review protocol. Open Science Framework.

Cancer disparities and access to cancer care among First Nations Peoples in Canada

Cancer disparities and access to cancer care among First Nations Peoples in Canada

Horrill, T., Lavoie, J., Martin, D., & Schultz, A. (2020). Places & spaces: A critical analysis of cancer disparities and access to cancer care among First Nations Peoples in Canada. Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 2(2), 104-123.